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Align, Awaken, and Transform YOUR Life

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Discover what your SOUL PURPOSE is so that you can create your dream life with confidence & clarity. Navigating life becomes much easier when you know what you're on this earth for.

You'll learn the CHALLENGES you've carried over from your past life that are stopping you from aligning with your Soul Purpose. 
You'll discover who you are deep down so that you can heal, grow and gain awareness to live in harmony with your SOULS DESIRES.

Is this the right reading for me? It is if you answer YES to any of these:

  • You want to make a difference, doing what you love, enjoying life.

  • You feel stuck or unsure about your direction in life.

  • You keep repeating the same unhelpful patterns

  • You know you're here for a reason - but you don't exactly know what that is.

  • You want to be successful, but you have days of uncertainty or overwhelm.

  • You're sick of the negative mind chatter in your head.

  • You're ready to do what it takes to be happy, successful and love your life.


Understanding and replacing the old ways with positive new learnings is the key to experiencing happiness.

How long is a Soul Blueprint Alignment?

90 min - zoom/phone session

Price: $300 AUD

Soul Blueprint

Align With Your Soul's Calling


WOW, just wow! I was blown away by the amount of information you gave me! I am still processing it all, but I feel relieved, and joyful and inspired to really live my life differently than I have for the past 50 years. Thank you so much. I loved my Soul Blueprint Alignment!

Sandra, Edmonton Canada

I wasn't even sure what I was getting, but I'm so happy I did it! Lots of light bulbs and understanding about why I keep doing the same thing over and over. I feel like a weights been lifted and I can finally be who I'm meant to be. Thank you. xox

Jess, Texas USA

Thank you! Everything you said made complete sense to me and I wish that I had of known all of this earlier in my life! I have a lot of changes to make and although that's a little scary, it's also exciting. I'm going to tell everyone to have a Soul Blueprint Alignment! :)

Patricia, Qld Australia


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Soul Blueprint Alignment®


A Soul Blueprint Alignment session will give you precious insight and awareness about yourself and your life, so that you can Connect with your HIGHEST self.

Find out:

  • Your personal strengths and challenges

  • How to align with your Souls purpose 

  • The most effortless way for you to have an abundant life

  • The easiest way for you to live in harmony 


  • What your Soul Purpose is (WHY are you here?)

  • What Karmic inheritance you're carrying (the stuff you need to let go of)

  • The Soul Lessons you need to learn (to stop repeating those patterns that keep hurting you)

  • The Emotional Triggers that are holding you back (to fully open your heart to love)

  • Where you Shine bright (to connect with your passion)

  • How your Shadow reveals itself (the things you regret you do when you're in fear)

  • What you're Called to do (where you stand out as a success) 

  • The Challenges you need to overcome (to be free to be the authentic YOU).

Where does the term Soul Blueprint and Soul Blueprint Alignment® come from? 

A Soul Blueprint is the (blueprint) plan that was created before you were born into your physical existence here on earth.


It is created from your ancestors genetics,  the DNA you carry forward and the past lives and experiences you have travelled on.


Some healing therapists and practitioners use Human design, Astrology, the Akashic records and Channelling to create a persons Soul Blueprint.


Here we use a combination of unusual Astrology aspects as well as Numerology.


These key elements highlight the Souls purpose, Karmic Inheritance, Challenges, Wounds, Light, shadows and path you will walk along as a Human here on earth.  


The Soul Blueprint Alignment® system was created to help professional therapists with their Counselling and coaching clients. It helped them to understand themselves better. The technique was discovered while searching for a way to get clients to understand who they really were.


We studied many Personality profiling techniques, Like DISC, Myers Briggs and 9 Personality types, but we weren't fully happy with any of them.


They gave insights but they weren't offering a true transformational experience for the people we were working with. Until we created the Soul Blueprint Alignment® system!  

Book in to find out what Your Soul Purpose is today!

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